Sala 2

Rotating exhibitions that dive deeper into how art lives in the communities from which they come.


A catalog of our productions that highlight the works of different artists, Indigenous communities, and Xapiri Ground projects.

Map of indigenous territories & threats

This map illustrates the distribution of various Indigenous groups across the Peru Amazon, highlighting the rich diversity of communities and their territories. Each color on the map represents a different group, making it easy to see the geographical spread and relative locations of the communities.

The map also marks significant urban centers like Lima, Cusco, and Iquitos, providing context for how these Indigenous territories relate to more populated areas, while also highlighting the extraction activities and threats.

This visual tool is essential for understanding the spatial relationships and environmental contexts in which these communities live, reflecting a snapshot of Peru's cultural mosaic as shaped by its Indigenous heritage.

Indigenous HERITAGE

We believe in long term relationship building with individuals and their communities who have consented to sharing their knowledge with us and the public. As multi-generational migrants, locals and foreigners, we seek to nurture a mutual understanding of the realities, ancestral and present, with our Indigenous collaborators through our practice in order to create didactic audio, visual and written representations of their ancestral knowledge for the benefit of the Indigenous people. Below is an open work of this documentation.

Photography: Davis Torres / Tui Anandi / Mike van Kruchen
© Xapiri Ground 2018 - 2024