Matsés Ceramics

Ceramics in the Matsés is a purely female practice and a vital piece of ancestral memory, although now only practiced by a handful of Matsés women throughout their territory. Our vision is to ensure this ancient technique is not lost by transmitting the ceramic process to younger Matsés women.

In 2018 we followed Ana Bunu on a 30 minute canoe ride outside of her village in search of the specific clay and bark needed to make the ceramics. A particular type of whitish clay is collected from the bed or the bank of a small stream, and strips of bark are peeled from a tree called “mui” by the Matses and “aparachama” in local Spanish (Licania spp. Family Chrysobalanaceae). These materials are wrapped in a type of “jungle backpack”, which is made on the spot by plaiting palm fronds and attaching a tumpline made from the bark of a different tree.

When back in the village the “mui” bark is burnt and then the silvery ash is sifted into a fine powder and mixed with the clay. The method of mixing the bark is done in order to make the ceramic stronger as without, it would break more easily. With the clay and ash mixed it is then rolled and constructed using the traditional coil technique and the ceramics take their form.

The ceramic is then shaped with the shell of a freshwater clam and then the outside is smoothed with the coin-shaped seed of a liana (Mucuna sp., Family Leguminosae), which the Matsés call “pupu ëshë”, literally “owl eye”. Next, it is dried in the sun for a few hours before placing on the open fire to set.

There are only a handful of ceramic artists left in Matsés territory. With time and through the long-term work we are developing, the vision is to see the younger girls learning these techniques. Ceramic making is a purely female practice and is a vital piece of ancestral memory which we aim to support in the transmission to the new generations.