Matsigenka Cosmovision

In the Matsigenka worldview, the universe is composed of 5 levels, the first is called Kipatsi or "world of humans", it is a place where they conduct their daily lives. Then, there are the upper worlds called Menkoripatsa and Inkite. Finally, the lower worlds called Kamavira and Gamaaironi, are believed to be in a great cosmic river and are connected by the Urubamba River.

Origin myths reveal significant processes about the acquisition of social practices, as well as knowledge related to their territory, ways of life and cultivation. One of the most representative myths explains the origin of “yuca” or cassava.

The myth of Kashiri, or moon, tells us that in the past the Matsigenka did not know about cassava and that they only ate red clay. However, the moon fell in love with a young Matsigenka girl, giving her cassava as a gift and teaching her how to plant it to please and provide for her family. Since then, the Matsigenka people have cultivated several varieties of cassava, the Kashiri cassava being one of the most valued.

Maika nonkekitsatakaro Kashiri... I will now tell the story of the Moon.

The oral tradition of the Amazonian Indigenous peoples represents the basis of their identity, their understanding of their territory and their place in the world. This reveals important processes in the construction and projection of community life.

The songs transcend linguistic barriers and convey a sense of belonging and connection with the natural environment. Often the songs are intertwined with rituals, ceremonies and festivities, being an expression considered sacred, as it connects with spirituality and communication with the forest.

Thus, the songs and stories are artistic expressions transmitted from generation to generation that connects them with nature, spirituality and ancestral knowledge, allowing the preservation of knowledge, legends and teachings that reflect the worldview of the Matsigenka.