Yine Territory

The territory of the Yine people is closely related to their historical occupation, resource management and their relationship with the forest. The Yine, as an ancestral people, territorially use the altitudinal gradients that reach up to 500 meters above sea level, where the great biodiversity of ecosystems of the lowland rainforest ecoregion is contained. The natural limit of their territory is the piedmont.

In terms of territoriality, there have been and still are zones that function as mobilization corridors for the Yine people. These corridors connect with the Purús basin in the direction of the Acre river basin in Brazil, the Manu through the Varadero and Las Piedras rivers, the Pongo de Mainique towards Quillabamba; another route is the descent of the waters of the lower Urubamba towards the Ucayali, and from the mouth of the Tambo rivers (Atalaya). Another part to the west by the Tambo river, and towards the current Ashaninka territory, ancestral area of the cerro de la sal (Smith, 2019).

The Yine of Peru use hydro geographic references to locate their peoples. For example, those of the Lower Urubamba are known as Yine Yami, those of Madre de Dios as Yine Mano Gajene (Manu River), those of the Rio las Piedras area as Yine Sotlugapga Gajene, those of the Lower Ucayali as Koshawataya Gajene and the Manchineri of Brazil as the Yako Gajene.

Currently, most Yine communities are located in the lower Urubamba basin.  At least five sacred sites have been identified in this area, which are places that have not been deforested or invaded and that are of great importance in the communities' origin myths.

In the Monte Salvado community, an increased presence of Indigenous Peoples in isolation has been observed in the last 20 years. The Ministry of Culture has been protecting the community, especially after the alerts about the presence of the peoples in isolation in the Las Piedras river basin in Tambopata province. Given its proximity to the Madre de Dios Territorial Reserve, the community of Monte Salvado has a guard post co-managed by the Ministry of Culture and FENAMAD. The Mahsco Piro population and other Indigenous peoples whose ethnicity has not yet been identified have also been monitored in the area.

Yine houses are made with materials obtained from the forest, these are built and woven lianas and / or trees of various species previously selected.

The traditional houses are rectangular in shape and can measure between five or three meters, the roof can measure up to 6 meters, in addition, the floors are built with ponas and for roofing they use shebon palms.