Matsigenka Village

The traditional Matsigenka dwellings, also known as Pankotsi, are built using materials extracted from the forest, such as trees, palm and hardwood threads, as well as shapaja or kuyuli leaves. The construction process begins with the elaboration of the frame or structure of the house, followed by the weaving of the leaves for the roofing, and finally the construction of the walls. It is estimated that the time needed to complete the construction is approximately 15 days.

In the Shipetiari community, the construction of houses has undergone modifications over time, as some have opted to use materials such as calaminas or others that they obtain from outside the community.

In the past, the houses were known as "big houses" or "malocas". They were circular in shape and the palm walls were close to the ground, which allowed them to withstand heavy rains and keep the interior completely dry. The walls also helped keep jaguars away (Johnson, 2003).

The Shipetiari community has received visitors since 1995, brought by tourism companies that operated in the area. Since then, joint work has been consolidated with the community and institutions that have strengthened the creation of Pankotsi, meaning home in the Matsigenkas language.

In 2012, they formally organized and established a tourism committee with support from SéPerú. This tourism contributes to the strengthening of cultural identity, environmental protection and generates direct benefits for the community.