Yine Subsistence

The Yine people engage in slash-and-burn agriculture; they harvest plantain, corn, sweet potato, rice, squash, beans, cassava, among others.

During the dry season, they grow peanuts, watermelon, squash, and rice. In addition, they plant fruit trees such as oranges, caimitos, and others near their homes and in their farms. Around 30 species of different plants, fruit trees and palms are planted (Smith, 2019). The knowledge of agriculture is also based on the identification of the most suitable soil used for planting basic subsistence products.

Other important activities for subsistence are the collection of aguaje, hunguraui and pijuayo palm fruits, as well as brazil nut harvesting. They also raise small animals (chickens, ducks, pigs) for self-consumption and trade, which are sold in the main ports near their communities.

Hunting and fishing are activities that are generally carried out by the men, and they are known for their skills in the jungle, as navigators and also as competent fishermen. Approximately 90% of the Yine population relies heavily on their forest resources. Animals hunted during specific seasons are monkeys, birds, fish and species such as the taricaya turtle.

The Yine hunters also practice healing rituals, both for themselves and for their hunting tools. These rituals involve the use of plants such as piripiri and sanango, as well as ayahuasca and are generally performed during the new moon. These rituals are performed in the belief that they will guarantee a successful hunt and accurate aiming of their arrows.