A heart meditation inside the forest of the mind
The debut composition for Crafting the Field series #01 features sound designer Vincent Dwyer (aka Phaedra), who seeks to recondition the relationship between humans and the natural world through his sonic art form with an ambient focus on the Amazon rainforest. Tuned to the sound frequency of 432hz, atmospheric landscapes are sculpted from beneath the canopy of the Las Piedras forest using recordings he'd witnessed through varying parts of the day layered with harmonics that bring us into a deep meditative state.
Field recordings originate from the rainforest habitat at Novalis; a conservation center along the Las Piedras River in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon.

Crafting the Field by Xapiri Ground is a creative series of musical compositions that express upon the natural and social environments surrounding Indigenous culture and their contemporaries.
Through collaborations with Indigenous artists, sound designers, and music producers we hope to encourage a diffusion between cultures through creative research and mutual respect.
Biography | Vincent Dwyer

Born and raised in Murrindindi, Victoria, Australia, Vincent Dwyer studied sound design at RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). Dwyer manipulates field recorded sounds* of birds, insects, and rain into progressions of imaginary textures, layering nature’s high fidelity sounds over sculptures of digital frequencies and drones, concluding with the audio-illusory experience of a continuous descent known as the Shepard’s tone, sensing the intangible yet infinite presence within the forest of the mind.
Check out the full Crafting the Field series on our bandcamp page.