Featuring sound artist Christian Mun whose work seeks to deconstruct the complex relationships within the Iskonawa cosmovision.

A sonic journey through territorial states of transgression and release

For this Crafting the Field series #05, we feature sound artist Christian Mun who sculpts a soundscape that conceptually conveys the relationship between the boa, the Iskonawa man, and the jungle. The Iskonawa people’s connection to nature can be observed through the resonance of their language and their design patterns. This composition seeks to deconstruct such relationships through sound, playing with elemental and sense perceptions that move the listener through territorial states of transgression and release. 

Read more from the inaugural event and a Q&A with the artist here.

Photo: Tui Anandi

Crafting the Field by Xapiri Ground is a creative series of musical compositions that express upon the natural and social environments surrounding Indigenous culture and their contemporaries.

Through collaborations with Indigenous artists, sound designers, and music producers we hope to encourage a diffusion between cultures through creative research and mutual respect. 

Original field footage and audio were recorded by Tui Anandi for Xapiri Ground during visits to the community of Chachibai in March of 2022.

Biography | Christian Mun

Photo: Nathalie Flores

Christian Muñoz (@christian.mun) was born in Lima, Peru in 1996. He is a sound artist, producer and saxophonist who began his musical studies at the National Conservatory of Music in 2008. He is dedicated to experimental composition, interdisciplinary collaborative works and audio engineering. This versatility motivates him to continue experimenting in art, where, thanks to the dialogue between different means of sound creation and collaboration with other disciplines, he seeks to reflect, through research and his music, the cultural diversity that surrounds us. He currently aims to promote the development of the sound scene through the management of cultural events in the city of Cusco.

Check out the full Crafting the Field series on our bandcamp page.